Community Hubs is a national program that links families and their preschool children to services and support, learning opportunities and the wider community.
Community Hubs makes it easier for families to access the assistance they need by bringing local education, health, community and settlement information and services into a familiar and friendly place. In Hubs, their children can also enjoy activities tailored to advance their learning, development and wellbeing.
Being a part of a Hub gives families a sense of belonging and creates friendships and support networks. Mothers, fathers and carers also connect at their local Hub with volunteer, education and training pathways that can lead to employment.
While Hubs are open to all families in the local area, many activities can be of particular benefit to families who may face extra challenges in linking with services, learning opportunities or the wider community,
A Hub Leader is employed at the school to:
- create a welcoming environment for children and parents
- link parents and carers to services
- connect education, health and community service providers
- establish a local community partnership group to plan and offer activities tailored to the needs of local children and their families.
Hub leaders help to oversee the journey of families' participation, starting from creating awareness of the Hub; to building trust and helping families to feel comfortable approaching and connecting with the Hub; to facilitating their participation in the best learning opportunities and services for their needs. Hub leaders and local community partnership groups play a pivotal role in creating a holistic Hub that is right for the time and place. With this tailored approach, the school's students and their mothers, fathers and carers become more empowered to take full advantage of life opportunities and thrive in their school and community.
We are very excited to introduce Mrs. Claire Raitt to the Bert Oldfield PS community as our Hub Leader. Please make sure you come and say hello to Claire and talk about ways you can both contribute to and receive support from the Hub.