Bert Oldfield Public School

Safe, Respectful, Responsible Learners

Telephone02 9622 2122


Aim:  To develop in students the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in the key learning areas, to enhance their quality of life and contribution to society.

Bert Oldfield Public School Library is a centre for learning and resources. The library has a multitude of print rand computer resources as well as an Interactive smart-board for students and teachers to use during class work. Students use the computers to complete homework, log into the Internet to access on-line resources, and engage in research as part of the enquiry process.

The Teacher-Librarian is Mrs Woolley. Parent volunteers come to the Library to repair, cover books and assist with general library duties.



All resources are bar-coded and accessioned using the OASIS Library system. Where possible the subjects are cross-referenced and linked to information for resource listings.

All students will soon have  access to the Library collection and can search for their books from home. Students will log onto their KID-SPACE and select the link to MY Library.  Searches can be conducted using the catalogue. It is a simple process of entering keywords, titles, authors, subjects and other more complex search methods. Students will be instructed on how to search from home during their Library Lessons this term.